Sinceelectricity has been fast becoming a limited resource and an expensive thing,there has been a call to promote solar water heaters, which have proved beyonddoubt to Floor-Standing Water Dispenser be a cost effective method of heating water. They have fast begunreplacing the traditional method of heating water and have been used widelyacross the world during the past few years.
Solarwater heaters are typically powered by sun light and since sunlight is a freesource of energy, it has become an alternative to electricity and gas, which isfast becoming a valued commodity. There are two types of water heaters, thepassive water heater and the active water heater. These two types of waterheaters, when working effectively can heat water up to 140° F. Though bothderive energy from sunlight, the working mechanism is different from eachother. While an active system circulates water using a solar water pump, apassive system circulates liquid through the use of a process called naturalconvection.
Theamount of water a solar water heater can provide, depends on how big and thetype of water heater, the climate where it is used and how effective is theaccess to solar energy. They are usually fitted on top of buildings where thereis direct access to sunlight. The most common type of solar water heater is theflat bed type which is weather proof and insulated by aluminum, beneath whichthere will be a plate which absorbs energy. When sunlight hits the waterheater, the heat passes through the transparent cover and gets soaked up by thedark plate which then transfers that collected heat through theheat-transferring fluids that flow through or past it. This type of solar waterheater is a bit expensive when compared to the concentrating collector type,which can produce much higher temperatures when compared to the flat bed typeof solar water heater systems. But, the major drawback with this type of solarwater heater is that they cannot produce as much heat on cloudier days ascompared to the flat bed type of solar water heaters.
Solarwater heaters generally come with a storage tank fitted beneath to store hotwater that can maintain its temperature up to a day, there is also the onewithout a storage tank. The difference is that the non storage type cannotstore water and the heated water needs to be used immediately. The storage typesolar water heater also has a 2 storage tank type which will heat the storedhot water during cold nights.
Ifyou are considering buying a solar water heater, decide the type of solar wateryou prefer and the size of it. Also, find the best place in your building thathas the best and direct access to sunlight. Call an expert in solar waterheating and get their ideas too. Before going to buy, make a thorough study ofyour requirements and also visit different dealer showrooms to make sure youhave the catalogue of the different brands that are available in the market.Try to get the best possible deal and look out for the company which providesthe best after sales service. To find out this, talk to your friends who usesolar water heaters and get their suggestions.
Buying a solar water heater is of course the best recommended at a timewhen it is expensive to maintain and use the traditional water heaters. Toconclude, the solar water you buy should last for long and should be worth themoney you spend.
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